
By any other name would he not be as amazing? I think we give the name god to much power and over look who GOD is and what he truly stands for. A lot of times I question a lot of things here on earth, but each day that goes by I see something that reassures me that there is a GOD. What ever name you chose to call him or how ever you chose to worship, always know that at the end of the day we all live under the same all mighty GOD.

As I look back on all the things that I have been through

I know that only reason I'm still here is because of you

When I was down and thought no one cared

I would look up and some how you were always there

As people left me alone and turned their backs on me

You opened your arms and gave me extra security

The further I got from you, the worst things went

But as I came back I realized even more that you were heaven sent

You have shown m the way from which I should never stray

So I'm going to serve you until my very last day


Listen/Download: Common "G.O.D.(Gaining One's Definition) Ft. Cee-Lo

Religion, MusicDaniel Kawah