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YEBies May Photo Challenge "#YEBiesPC"

Since May is national photography month, we decided it was only right that our first photo a day challenge start now. For those who don't know how this works, here's how you participate. For every day in May, there is a word or phrase that tells you what type of photo to post on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and any other photo service you may use. Use the hashtag #YEBiesPC when posting pictures. You can use the same hashtag to see what other pictures are being posted as part of this month-long challenge. At the end of the month, we will pick 3 people who have consistently taken great pictures to receive gifts from us. Lets make this a month of epic original photos where creativity is at the forefront.

Hit me back here or on Twitter (@YEBIES) if you have any questions. Enjoy your month of amazing photos. Can't wait to see what you guys capture.