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Today In Black History: Negro League Baseball

On this date in 1930 Andrew "Rube" Foster, the created of the Negro Leagues passed away from complications from his on going battle with his mental illness. Foster had started the league with a couple other owners as a way to better organize black baseball at the time. His influence on black baseball was second to none and it lead many to call him "the father of black baseball". He created the bunt and run as well as help put together the first ever night baseball game. Under Foster, the Negro Leagues became the largest black owned business in America. There are still rumors to this day that Foster's illness which eventually caused his death had foul play involved. He was on the verge of creating a league that could soon become as large as the Major leagues with even better talent. His league not only had black players, but also hired black accountants, bookkeepers, trainers, coaches, as well as other skilled and unskilled labor. These communities that had teams also had growing economies as a direct effect of baseball being there.

Within a year of Foster's death, the great league he created collapsed. It would take many years after his death for the rest of the baseball world to recognize the genius that was Rube Foster. In 1981, he was finally inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame