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The Time Is Now....

On the real G Imma keep it 100......

With the most important Presidential election in our lifetime just a little over a month away, I hope everyone who has the availability to register to vote goes out and does so as soon as possible. You have the right to, so use it when you can. Many people were beat, abused, and even killed so that we would be able to take part in this historic election this year. If you think your votes don't count just look at the last two elections and how close they were. How often do we get to be a part of history????? This one day of voting can change the next 4 to 8 years of our lives in a major way. I really don't care who you vote for as long as you make sure your voice and opinion gets heard. Just make sure before you vote you know why you are voting for the candidate you choose.

Well here goes a little endorsement of my Choice....

Last Day 2 Register 2 VOTE in many states today....

And thats that...............